Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Hen" and "Kat"

In my mom's "Memory Book" the first page dates the work - September 12, 1926. There are about one hundred pictures glued on to the thick, black sheets. Most of them have some initials penned nearby, some a name, but most are unclaimed. Too bad, for me. The ones that have a name that's understandable give me hope that I can find out something about my mom's side of the family. There's Fields, her maiden name, and Bechtold, her mother's maiden name and the family name of some folks identified as cousins, "remember me as your true cousin" writes Viola Bechtold. Others say that too, "remember me as your true cousin". I wonder why they said that? There's Mary and J.C., Bettie, Jewel, Velma and Ernestine. Oh, and Henry - "always remember me as I was while in your town - always. Henry "Hen"". These pictures are of my mom and dad when they were about eighteen years of age. Living the good life (what a tie!). Having fun with friends and writing casual messages that would come to be oh, so true.

1 comment:

wtoverdrive said...

Jewel - my dad, Jewel Woodrow Wilson
Velma - their sister.

The woman sitting behind Henry in the swing I believe is Eva