Sunday, November 2, 2008

What We Need NOW!

"Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him". This is one of Dr. Charles Stanley's "life principles". It is a principle that we have forgotten as a nation and in many cases, as individuals.

As election day draws close, we find ourselves talking about two candidates, both having compromised their stated convictions. Each man is willing to forsake his standing before God to pander to the demands of popular opinion. Their motivation is pure lust, lust for power.

First, Senator McCain would give amnesty to illegal immigrants. These lawbreakers would be given a fast-track to citizenship. These people, no matter where they are from, have no desire to serve or sacrifice for this country. They would be citizens in name only. They would be living in a country which, in their mind, only serves to underwrite the expense of their existence. This is a slap in the face of natural-born citizens who have given their time, fortune and blood to defend the Constitution of these United States. It is perhaps even more offending to those millions who have obeyed the laws and completed the procedure which has led them to citizenship.

Senator Obama will stand before God some day and be asked why he supported the murderous agenda of the abortionists. He has set at naught the lives of the 40,000,000 children killed in the name of "freedom of choice". Freedom from the consequences of ungodly, immoral licentiousness.

We need leaders who live by the convictions they proclaim. They will take an oath of office and swear before almighty God to defend and preserve the laws of this Nation. Dr. Stanley's website offers this wisdom:

"Your convictions define who you are. They guide your decisions and determine your character. People who live by their convictions are not swayed by their personal preferences or popular opinions."

Convictions are beliefs we hold to be true, no matter what. In today's world we need to base our standards upon the tested and proven tenets of Biblical truth. Please consider going to (a link is provided at the top of this page) and watch the sermon entitled "The Convictions We Live By". At the very least avail yourself of the free "Life Principles Notes" on the same site.

We need to change the direction of this Nation. God will not be mocked.

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