Friday, November 21, 2008

A Partner for Life…

Sometimes, when I get excited about a subject, I forget to bring to light all of the important aspects of a story. That's what I've inadvertently done in the past few entries.

My mom.

Kathryn Elizabeth ("Cat") would have been one hundred years of age this year too. Her birthday is the twelfth of April, 1908. As I have related in earlier posts, my parents were married when they were nineteen. They both worked for the F.W. Woolworth Company in various locations around Texas and then off to the West - Yuma Arizona. That's another entry. The point I'm trying to make here is that my mom liked cars too. She didn't participate in the purchasing ceremony, but she contributed with her support of whatever my Dad came home in, well, most of the time. She looked good in the front seat. She NEVER drove when my Dad was available. As I think about it, that's pretty much the way Jeanie and I operate to this day as well. I'll tell you about the car that received the least support soon.

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