Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Election

A lot of folks woke up excited Wednesday morning. Some were excited about winning, others about losing. I woke up knowing that no matter which of the mainstream presidential candidates had been allowed to win, I was a winner.

I voted for Chuck Baldwin. So did Jeanie (or so she says). Who is that? Sez you (click on the title of this installment). He's a good man among men and I share convictions with him about how these United States ought to, by law, be run. What makes me a winner is that there are several hundred thousand others who share the same dream. There are several of us "whackos" who live in the County of Santa Cruz. Upon chance meetings, we honk and wave and take energy from the encounter.

There are other "whackos" who honk and wave and somehow refer to themselves as being number one by elevating their middle finger in salute. Friendly.

One person had the audacity to declare to Jeanie that they were glad she "wasted" her vote. Wasted her vote.

Jeanie voted her belief that the word marriage means a covenant before God entered into by a man and a woman. A covenant designed to give the ultimate in satisfaction and comfort, companionship and sexual expression, procreation and nurture. It is something that God has ordained and blesses as people seek His guidance.

Jeanie voted her conviction that children ought not to be allowed to have abortions without informing parents. Children having abortions, sounds funny doesn't it? That's what is happening in our sex-crazed, television driven society. Parents divorced or both working, allowing "People" magazine or worse, to set the moral standard in the home. Actually, this is according to plan (more about that at a later date). Pastors have abrogated their responsibility to inform their congregations that abortion is murder. Premeditated at that. They have been frightened by men. They should be frightened of God.

Jeanie and I voted our convictions. We voted according to our world view. We have not made a pack with the devil and we are not responsible for what will happen in these United States in the next few years.

In 2012, should the Lord tarry, there will be a million more people who will have learned to vote their God-given convictions. There will be candidates who might even be allowed to talk about the issues. There will be churches whose leadership is not emasculated by the IRS.

It takes time.

Oh, President elect Obama has used his time like we thought he would. Here's a short news item from today's AP…

"CHICAGO – Barack Obama is signaling a shift in tactics and temperament as he moves from candidate to president-elect, picking sharp-elbowed Washington insiders for top posts. His choice Thursday for White House chief of staff — Rahm Emanuel, a fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings — is a significant departure from the soft-spoken, low-key aides that "No-Drama Obama" surrounded himself with during his campaign. And transition chief John Podesta, like Emanuel, is a former top aide to Bill Clinton and a tough partisan infighter, though less bombastic than the new chief of staff.
The selections are telling for Obama, who campaigned as a nontraditional, almost "post-partisan" newcomer…"

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