Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Very Special Day!

Today is my dad's one hundredth birthday. I cannot begin to tell the story of how much he means to me. How many times did I disappoint him? How many time did I make him happy? Hopefully, over the next few days, I'll be able to share with you (whomsoevers) the joy I feel in having a father like Henry Ramsey Wilson. As many as can be gathered are eating at the local Cambodian joint in Scotts Valley tonight. He would have liked the beef kabob and jasmine rice. A small amount of scotch could be served as well.
It's funny, but it looks like Braden Ramsey Wilson is riding on my dad's shoulders back in 1940. It's probably me, not him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool story and pics, Poppi! I wish I could have met your father. Thanks for keeping him alive for generations to come with all your memories.
That does look like Braden on his shoulders! Braden has your hands, too.
We love you! C, C & B xoxo