I am right back to the books of Nehamiah and Acts in my Bible reading program (see "Lofty Pressures", 27 July 2008). This has been a good experience for me. Although I cannot say I have read the Word cover to cover this past year, I can say that I have begun a habit. One I heartily recommend.
Many things gave me a lot of joy in the last 52 weeks. Writing briefly about my family and adventures of my childhood were challenging and I hope to write about many more years of growing up in a most loving home (my Dad DID get the green 1950 Ford Convertible). Some have said that flying adventures might be of interest (did I tell you the one about getting all shot up, but never shot down?). That was in my Air Force days, by the way.
Medical things were important and I suspect that they will remain so for the rest of my life. The best part will be trying to trace the $$$$$ spent by Medicare, DeltaCare and me for that last "procedure". Billed and paid for the first time, they forgot to ask if I had received the service. OOOPS! I hadn't been in their care on those dates and the operation hadn't taken place. KACHING! $$$$. There is no sound to a wired transfer. Let's see if I get to pay for it again, now that I've been under the knife. I've pretty much stopped glowing from the radiation and I'm looking forward to being closer to the grandkids. Prostate symptoms are minimal, but don't forget your Flowmax!
Going to church is fun again, provided we're late. It's good for Jeanie and I to listen to great preaching.
This is what I'm suggesting for this new fiscal year (blogger year?). More of the story for the kids and others who might be interested. An exposé (if possible) of the healthcare situation, at least from my perspective and most importantly my views on what the God of the universe is doing in my life and the situations around the world.
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