Monday, July 28, 2008

verses? VERSES? We don' need no Biblical Verses!

Way back in the second half of the last century, when I encountered the claim of Christ upon my life and received Him as Savior, there was this song.
"Seek ye first" was the title. It was taken from the Gopel of Matthew, chapter six, verse thirty-three. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Karen Lafferty had set it to music in the heady days of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa CA. God's Spirit was a real presence there and in the lives of many who came to know Him under the teaching of Chuck Smith.
The verse is straight-forward and understandable, the tune is simple and memorable, the effect is wonderful. For all of these past thirty some-odd years (and some were), the tune has resonated in my mind bringing the Scriptures very close. A verse for my life, if you will.
I have sought to seek His Kingdom in the many things I've done. Husband, parent, teacher, pastor and friend, keeping my search in mind. Explaining too, as best I could, the meaning of the words. Even proving - by by pointing to "these things".
But the righteousness?

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