Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lofty Pressures

The last several days have been hard for me. I started a new journey through a daily Bible read-through and the subject of most days has been "Have you done God's bidding?". When a day's reading starts in Nehemiah, rebuilding the wall, you know you'd best get busy!

I have been either disobedient or woefully naive. Probably both. The full realization of this is beginning to make it's way into every morning's prayer and Bible study time. Nehemiah obeyed God at a time when things looked as if they were beyond Divine intervention. God didn't make it easy, but He did make it smooth. The pieces and people all fell into place once Nehemiah's passion was mixed with obedience.

Is this something I should pay more attention to? Passion and obedience - together? No thought for consequences? Results, if any, in God's careful timing? 

The apostle Paul said to King Agrippa in Acts 26:19"… I was not disobedient to the heavenly visions."

Have I been…?

1 comment:

wtoverdrive said...

Now you done gone to meddlin'! Obedience... the hardest thing we ever do, from the time we are children to the time that we are close to the grave. I am particularly sensitive to this issue right now as my third born is attempted to throw off Christianity so he can live life as he chooses, which is a scarey place to be. Pray with me that the holy hound of Heaven will continue to pursue him the rest of his days.